OSAP (Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention) dental infection control website resources markApr 22, 20201 min readNever really heard of OSAP, but it is the dental industry's source for infection control. They have opened up their site that is usually member only.They have a comprehensive page for Covid19 info here:https://www.osap.org/page/COVID-19
Never really heard of OSAP, but it is the dental industry's source for infection control. They have opened up their site that is usually member only.They have a comprehensive page for Covid19 info here:https://www.osap.org/page/COVID-19
Thoughts on new processesBelow is a summary of current plans when we reopen. We'll be refining and coming up with the SOP over the next week or two. Any input or...
Reopening TBDWe don't have any target yet for when we will be reopening. The ODA has petitioned for ASAP approval. I think the key issue is when the...